Blogging is a global classroom – the rise of the information society.

Convergece is happening all the time: social media and email will converge and web is converging with television.

Marc Prensky says that adults come with an ‘accent’. Our brains our different because we have grown up differently. It is harder to learn things when you are older – nerostasistacy. The primary recency effect. The world is divided to people who can and people who cant but people. Younger people dont speak technology with an accent because it was their before technology we were born. Mark Prenzky has prefutive and has renewed his theory which now suggests

Counter arguments on net genereation nonsense by Mark Bullen – Net Generation Nonsense. Secondly, is Neil Sewyln who has written a research article on it. David White is at Oxford University and has another theory. He writes the Tall Blog – and has written the ‘Digital Resedents and visitors’. He is refuting the Prezky theory aswell.

You can use a blog counter called freedjet.

Creating a new feed channel using blogging and use tagging to promote it.

Using video, images and sound can really enhance your blog.

Information society lets teachers have no walls. You share your content and teachers from all over the world are using their content. You get feedback from your resources which could possitivly effect a lot of people’s lives and their are no limits.

Digital Learning futures

1989: ‘the future is multimedia’

1999: ‘the future is the web.’ – buying and selling – things you cant forseen

2009: ‘The future is the smart mobile phone’

In 60 Seconds – what can you do online – what do you think.

There us tgus reakky good book called “3000 years of time compressed into 24 hours” which gives you a timeline – what the communitivity technology and what event. Technology is increasing in speed and technology which could only be only a second away. Its all about connecting, sharing and communicating with each other.

User generated content

Ubiquous connection is thousands of people connecting and sending pictures to people who werent there. Aswell as using live steaming.

The Extended web
How much social connectivity and degree of information connecivity is there?
Web 1.0 the web very little social and information connectivity. Connects information
Web 2.0 Social web – very social but not very information rich. Connects people
Web 3.0 Semantic web – Rich in information but not social. Connects knowledge
Web x.0 Meta Web – Rich in social and information connectivity. Connects intellegence about people.

Web 3.0 may predict what you are going to do based on previous searches. e.g. amazon – what other people are buying – you see the suggestions on amazon and you would actually buy it. You can also put something in a message in Facebook and your advertisement change to show that. A lot of money in this. What people want and what people want next. But what are the ethics in this?

We need to have a ‘creative commons’.

Dual Veiw TVs – if you want to watch two different television programmes, you can wear glasses and headphones and watch two different programmes on the same television. It is ultra definition television. It is like the Nintendo 3Ds which is used without television. Also a new invention is 3D television. People are filming things in 3D which are released later.

Gamification is about the rules and regulations of game playing which is used and applied to most games. You make things into a game and they learn new things because they are enjoying it more.

“When we play games we rapidly solve abstract probkens in real time… Graham Brown Martin (Head Teacher Update (Jan 2012)

Gamification is ‘creating an expectation among people that real-life interactions follow simple mecanics, and some disillusionment when they do not.Elizabeth Corcoran (2010)

Twitter as a libary.
Twitter as a street corner – gossip – some of it is not true.
Twitter as a soapbox – a rant/speech/broadcasting tool.
Twitter as amplication – most of twitter is this and is amplified to 100 people.
It is also looking a filtering.

Technosocial predictive analysis is worth a read, I believe.

The police can use social networking to find out about criminal networks/gangs.

Touch or no touch? What is the future for our devices? At the moment we have both but one is just emerging. None of these have no mouses or keyboards. The video next really inspired me because all of these technologies featured are real, so what great things can we expect next? What other things can we do? Are we going to fast/is technology moving too fast? There are issues to this though. It is eurotopian and it has problems with global warming. Technology is expensive and why do you need this technology if it isnt used? We only get things that we will use and can afford.

Xbox connects has two cameras movement and infered. The xbox connect has ten million versions of movement even going down to finger gestures aswell. It already has voice recognition and combines two things knows where you are and what you are doing and can have four people. Distinguishes you away from furniture because of the infered.

A Day Made Of Glass Corning’s Vision For The Future With Specialty Glass At The Heart Of It VIDEO [Online]

MIT’s Sixth Sense Wearable – You can have a camera, coloured caps (x 4) projector, mirror and phone which are all connected.

These are seeds of what it could be in the future. What we are inventing are extentions of things. Some people say that ‘the web meets the world’ – any object can be connected to the web if you carry around the technlogy that can do that. Mobile phone, camera

Google Googles – scan any well know objects or faces. Downloadable apps. There is another app that allows you to whistle or hummm a tune and then download it.


During 2008, the number of things connected to the internet exceeded the number of people on earth. These things are not just smartphones and tablets. By 2020 there will be 50 billion. It is difficult to find things now but in the future it will be easier.

Self-check out – everything is barcoded and in the future everything can be QR tagged which is 2-dimentional. It will take you straight to the website. They are outdated but could be used in innovating ways.

If our brains are changing

Neil Flemming came up with the VAK theory, and this has lots of criticisms on it. It is similar to Prenzky because they are pretentious. You need to think of implications.

Now you can get:

* Smart fridges and freezers in Japan.
* In norway there are chips in cows telling all information which updates the farmers computer. It is always in the same place. It has who parents were, tracks fats etc.
* Cars – bluetooth, where the cheapest petrol is.