Monthly Archive: February, 2012

Development and evaluation

I found that Web 2.0 technologies offer online communication and sharing in an e-learning enviroment. Web 2.0 uses instructional stratagies such as collaborative learning or blended learning to engage students online while others… Continue reading

ICT Lecture 24/2/12

Handheld Learning – What place does a handheld divice have on the way we recieve infomation? It is fast and you get it on the go. You get it in bullet points which… Continue reading

Web 2.0 Lecture – Network security and Cybercrime

Web 2.0 is an unbrella term. O’Reily talks about a resistance to Web 2.0. He talks about web 1.0 to web 2.0. If there is such thing as web 1.0 you couldnt change… Continue reading


Is authority in classrooms today too laid back? I hear the ‘older generation’ say ‘Back in my day we had…’ and it seemed that children would be scared of school, and thus scared… Continue reading

Live Lecture 3.2.12

Is Facebook or googles + cirle taking over friendship? There is hierarchy and making distinctions online. With Cyborgs – do we need it all? Me and some of my colleagues dont remember a… Continue reading

Cyborg Theory

I read a post by Steve Wheeler called ‘Human 2.0’, who suggests different arguments for the cyborg theory. The Cyborg theory is a huge debate at the moment, and I personally dont think… Continue reading


Elocution lessons in Primary School To me, accent makes us different and unique. It tells people something about us, the way we were brought up and where we come from. It is a… Continue reading


I went to Teach Meet live stream at Plymouth University last night and found many innovating ideas from educators. Tom Barrett talked about the use of AFL and Google Docs. He suggested that… Continue reading